
March is the month when Spring officially starts.  Spring is about renewal, growth and coming to life. 

Why not think about #fallinginlove with all the great things about ourselves – finding renewal in those strengths we have and celebrating them? Or perhaps we take the time to reflect on those things that need a bit more care and attention.

If you follow the hashtag #fallinlove, you will find all kinds of things: love for partners, children, pets, food, music, clothes, travel, etc.  You’ll seldom see anything about self-love.  Hey, it’s OK to love yourself.  That’s where it all starts. 

This isn’t about getting all mushy and corny.  This is about being able to live with ourselves everyday and being happy in our skin. 

What are some of your attributes that you can celebrate today?  Go on.  Name a few.  You’re stronger than you think.  You’re more capable than you think.  You’re more amazing than you think.  

What if you were to choose one thing that you know you do well or that you feel is one of your assets. Just pick one.

Or perhaps you want to focus on something you know you need to work on a bit – something that you want to make peace with and accept.

_________________________________________________ (write it down)

Then think about ways you can develop that particular trait. Think of three things you could do to help “fall” for that particular characteristic:




Let’s see if this month you can create a little more love for that particular aspect of yourself.

Falling in love suggests that there’s something that clicks with you, something that piques your interest and strikes a chord. That “thing” becoming stronger with time.   Let yourself #fallinlove.

Post by Lynne_Loiselle

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